Last night my brother Eric got his mission call. He is going to the Phillipines. I thought for sure he would go somewhere cold. In my mind I could see him in one of those black wool trench coats. So, I am nowhere near psychic! DANG! It's cool he is going there because that is where my dad went on his mission. Also, Eric will come back speaking Tagalog (not sure how to spell that), you know one of those useful languages. Anyway, Congrats Eric!!!
9 years ago
You can prepare him for the Philippines by having your kids ride by him as he walks down the street, giving him the wrong finger (index instead of middle) and yelling, "Puck you, Joe." Everyone I know who served a mission over there said that's what they got from the neighborhood kids, none of whom can say their Fs.
congratulations to him!
Little Eric????
man alive, we're old.
Which mission is it?
He is going to the San Paulo Mission. Which one did you go to Doog?
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